lunes, 4 de octubre de 2021

Natural Science - Unit: The human body and interaction - LESSON: THE SENSORY SYSTEM

Natural Science - Unit: The human body and interaction


This is the most important information that we have seen so far in this unit:



And now... a new question: What is the most important thing that you need if you want to think?... 

Obviously... It's your brain... 

Now... What are the most important things that we need if we want to interact with the world?....If we want to smell, to taste, to touch. to hear?

... Well... obviously... Our senses...

These five diagrams show you the most important information about the five senses:

This video explains how the SENSE OF SIGHT works:

This video explains how the SENSE OF HEARING works:

And this video explains how the SENSE OF SMELL works:

Well this video explains you how SENSE OF TASTE works:

HOMEWORK: You have to copy in your notebook the 5 diagrams and you have to study them.