domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2021

Natural Science - Unit: The human body an nutrition - LESSON: EXCRETION

Natural Science - Unit: The human body and nutrition



And here we go with our Unit's song!:

  To start our lesson we are going to watch an experiment about WATER FILTRATION:

Now let's think about this question... What's the body system that can do this function??


We started this unit comparing our body to a machine... We have seen how it's different systems use nutrients and oxygen to create energy for us... But... We also need to put away all the substances that we don't need... They can not stay inside because they are toxic... 
The excretory system does that... 

This video shows you its different parts:

This video is a bit more difficult, but it gives lots of interesting information about how the excretory system works:

And this is our LESSON'S SUMMARY: